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Making Tax Digital Roadmap


ARKK is here to support your business needs by making your everyday processes easier. We pride ourselves on being thought leaders in the tax and regulation industry, and are well connected with key industry bodies to ensure we remain fully informed with changes to regulations. In doing this we are able to keep you fully informed of your reporting requirements so please do contact us for more information if needed.

Rebecca Hutton, Head of Customer Readiness and External Stakeholder Team at HMRC, talks about the successes and challenges for the first round of digital VAT.

This video covers; the context and background knowledge to the basics of Making Tax Digital (MTD); looks into where we are now; goes over the soft-landing period for digital period for digital links and specific directions for more time; what is coming up next for MTD; and has a Q&A session for the audience to ask their questions.

Rebecca also covers the key lessons learnt from VAT which includes involving software vendors in the earliest stages of design and delivery; the onboarding journey for agents; what part HMRC plays if customers aren’t getting enough help to choose software; and the expected sign up issues and flexibility provided.