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No More Excel for AIFs in Ireland

Effective from Q4 2019 there will be a change to the Central Bank of Ireland reporting requirements under AIFMD. These changes come in the form of a mandated file format that some of you may or may not already be familiar with, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a format that is both human and machine-readable.

After review, the Central Bank of Ireland has put forward and accepted a change proposal in relation to authorised, registered or non-EU AIFM on the Central Bank of Ireland’s Online Reporting System (ONR).

The future strategic direction of these return types for the foreseeable future means that the Excel file format is being discontinued, effective from Q4 2019. As of this reporting period, the Central Bank will only accept XML files for AIFM and AIF returns on the Online Reporting System.

Working with the world’s largest consultancies and fund managers, Arkk Solutions supports over 200 clients with their AIFMD filings each year. Our products are designed to simplify the XML conversion process, integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Excel. Using the software that you’re familiar with, you can populate your Annex IV templates locally and convert straight into XML format – at the click of a button.

Whether this is your first XML filing or you would like to simplify reporting for other European jurisdictions, get in touch with the Arkk Solutions team today.
