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ESEF Roundtable: Key takeaways from the FRC

Last month, we hosted our annual ESEF roundtable bringing together industry experts to discuss what...

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Building a Business Case for Transfer Pricing Technology

With tax authorities around the world intensifying their focus on transparency, the stakes for...

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ESEF Updates: New ‘Warnings’ guidance released

Earlier in the month, we ran through the highly sought-after guidance for ‘block tagging’ in ESMA’s...

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Establishing Block Tagging for ESEF Year Two

To kick off our September blog series on the Reporting Manual updates, we’re taking a closer look...

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Value Adding Tech – Is Your Solution Making Tax Deliver?

When the warranty on your car is running out, you take a detailed look at how the car is running....

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How to get buy-in from your CFO on transfer pricing software

Given the overwhelming complexity of today’s tax landscape, automating your operational transfer...

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The latest from XBRL EUROPE: ESEF and Block Tagging

Following the recent XBRL Europe Conference in Paris where many topics including the European...

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TP Minds: Tax Transformation is coming for all – not just for some

June’s TP Minds International saw 300+ delegates join the industry’s largest gathering of Transfer...

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HMRC shifts from soft-landing to MTD enforcement for VAT

Here’s how this is an opportunity for tax teams.

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